There is a realignment that occurs in order for us to recover what has been lost in time and trigger the fulfilment of the promises of God for the future. This alignment is often brought about by praying, fasting and giving. This is because God has delegated the authority to rule on earth to man and He will not intervene except we ask Him.

The point of transition when a year rolls in and another ends is a pivotal time to engage heaven with praying, fasting and giving to entreat God so He can redeem time on our behalf and restore His original future, His plan and purposes. Many people do not realise the need for this level of engagement because they ignore the need for prophetic vision, they ignore the fact that it is possible to see with the “eyes” of the Lord. Amos 3:7 “Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret to his servants the prophets”. Because we walk in a better covenant with better promises, we ought to walk in brighter light.The victories we obtain in life is a function of the decisions we make in time and one decision can affect one or several generations positively or negatively if we do not align to see ‘eye to eye’ with God. Through fasting, praying and giving, we can gain wisdom for the future and receive the secrets of the Lord ordained for our glory. 1 Corinthians 2:7, 9 “But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God has ordained before the foundation of the world unto our glory … But as it is written, Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him” Let your motivation for seeking the will of God and hearing His majestic voice be a burning love for Him; rest assured that He who takes pleasure in the prosperity of His servants wants you to progress physically, materially and to mature spiritually because it pleasures Him profoundly.

PRAYER: Matthew 3:15 Jesus fulfilled all righteousness, ask God to reveal all you need to do to unlock the next phase of life and destiny in Him. Lord reform my foundation, what I stood on in the last season may not be adequate for the next season, Lord re-examine my foundations and guide me to make the necessary shift into revelation to possess the gates of the future and defeat enemies of my soul.